North Carolina

North Carolina has mountains in the west, a long coastline in the east, and large cities, universities, and research centers in between. North Carolina has a long agricultural heritage and a strong economic base in technology, medical science, and engineering.
The narrow barrier islands that run parallel to the Atlantic Coast are called the Outer Banks. There are five lighthouses and several historic sites in the Outer Banks. The islands are also a favorite destination for windsurfing, sailing, and fishing.
The Raleigh and Durham area is best known as the site of Research Triangle Park, which is home to more than 170 global companies specializing in high-tech industries like information technology, biotechnology, and clean technologies. The area has one of the nation’s highest concentrations of people with doctorate degrees. Raleigh and Durham both have impressive arts events and organizations, and their downtown areas are becoming increasingly vibrant.
Charlotte is the nation’s second-largest banking center and offers many different arts and entertainment options. There are several top-ranked golf courses and two popular lakes in the Charlotte area. Attending professional sports games and auto races are other favorite activities.
North Carolina real estate includes mountain houses in the west, high-rise condominiums and lakefront properties around Charlotte, historic neighborhoods and golf course communities in the Raleigh/Durham area, and beach houses throughout the Outer Banks and along the North Carolina coast.